What is Evident?
Evident is the industry’s leading identity verification software and utilizes state-of-the-art data encryption software to give you peace of mind when sharing your personal information and credentials.
Why Evident?
Soothe prioritizes your safety and security, which is why we are excited to release our full integration with Evident: our new one-stop-shop for credential verification and background checks. Thanks to Evident’s data encryption software, your information is kept locked tight and confidential.
How does it work?
Moving forward, when one of your credentials expires or is approaching expiration, Evident will request a new copy of your credential. You will upload it within their secure system, and they will verify it against the issuing agency or association. Once verified, Soothe will receive a notification. Don’t worry, your information will be kept safe
What will be requested?
Soothe will ask you to complete the following verifications annually:
- Professional License/Certification Verification
- Professional Liability Verification
- Criminal Background Check
- All Soothe applicants will also be asked to submit ID Verification
I’m having a problem uploading my Identity Document.
First, if you are having an issue uploading your identity document you’ll want to ensure a few things.

Check to make sure the identity document that you are uploading is an unexpired passport, driver’s license or ID card. If it is, then make sure that you are taking the picture in a room with plenty of light and that the ID is placed on a black background. Ensure that the image fills about 80% of the screen on your device when you take the picture – meaning that you shouldn’t zoom in or out too much with the camera.. Also ensure that all four corners of the image are visible.

You’ll also want to ensure that the option you select matches the actual document that you upload. For example, you want to be sure you don’t select “driver’s license” if you are uploading a passport. A driver’s license qualifies as an ID card, so if you are uploading a driver’s license, use the “ID Card” dropdown.

If you try to take a good picture three different times, and the computer vision technology is still having trouble detecting the submission, the Evident system will give you the option to submit your image as it is. Be advised that if you choose this option, Evident will attempt to complete the verification but it is not guaranteed. Therefore, it is better to take your time with a good high-quality image the first time around, than rush through the submission and have to submit again later.

If you have more questions about how to take a good picture, or the type of IDs that you can select, you can reach out to Soothe at trustandsafety@soothe.com. If the issue you are dealing with seems like a technical problem, then you should reach out the Evident using this form.
I don’t know what the insurance requirements are to be on Soothe’s platform, or my insurance doesn’t meet the requirements.
Soothe has a specific threshold that professional liability insurance must meet in order to be considered valid for the purposes of accessing the platform. For example, the insurance must be valid and unexpired with massage as a service type that is covered. Additionally, the insurance must have a coverage amount of $1M or more per occurrence/claim and $3M or more in aggregate coverage. It does not matter if the coverage is per claims or per occurrence. If you don’t currently have this level of coverage, you may elect to contact your insurance and get this coverage prior to submitting the insurance verification.
I started the verification process with Soothe, but that was several months ago and now my link doesn’t work anymore.

If you started the verification process with Soothe weeks ago, and you are just now returning to it, there’s a chance that your link has expired. In the interest of protecting your personal information, Evident ensures this link expires after some time. If you have the app, you can request a new link from the app if it is still available. If not, you may reach out to Soothe and they can create a new link for you. Evident will not be able to create a new link for you.
I’m in the middle of the application process, and I’m not sure what the next step is.

If you’re in the middle of the application process, and you aren’t sure what the next step is, Soothe should be able to assist in answering this question for you.
I submitted my information for the background check verification, and it still hasn’t completed yet. Why is it taking so long?

Most background checks complete relatively quickly, but completion times can be dependent on how many times you’ve moved within the last few years as well as how quickly courts respond to Evident’s requests for data. If your background check has been processing for more than 4 weeks, you can reach out to Evident for more information.
Because of the recent pandemic, some courts are not available to pull records. If you have lived in one of these counties within the last seven years, it could cause a delay in the background check. You can track a list of court closures here
I received a notice that I failed the background check, but I don’t have a criminal record.
If Soothe sent you a notification that you failed the background check portion of the verification, but you don’t have a criminal record, then you may need to complete the dispute process. To dispute the record, reach out to Evident using this form. You may provide Evident with any evidence that shows that a specific criminal record should not be associated with your identity. The dispute process can take up to 30 days to complete.
Please note that if you know you have a criminal record, but you believe that this record should not disqualify you from accessing the Soothe platform, you should contact Soothe via trustandsafety@soothe.com to see if they will make an exception for you. This is unrelated to the dispute process.