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Celebrating International Women’s Day With Soothe

On International Women’s Day and every day, we honor the women that work to bring wellness to the world by making self-care more accessible. Meet some of the women who support those seeking wellness and the licensed professionals that join Soothe’s expanding network.  

Simone | Australia

I’ve been with Soothe now for almost seven years, and I have loved every minute of the journey. I have a twenty-year background in wellness and massage, having worked in some of the top day spas in Australia and also in chiropractic clinics, alongside physios, and wellness centres.

What I like most about working for a wellness company is that I get the opportunity to be a part of something that helps people improve their way of living and can raise their level of health and of course wellbeing! My favourite self-care practice would have to be meditation, a yoga class and my monthly massages (they’re the best)!

Emily | Phillippines

Working at a Soothe is a breath of fresh air. I feel valued and appreciated for everything that I do. Being part of a people-centric company promotes an environment that encourages creativity and innovation from every one of us.

My favorite self-care practice is reading a book, particularly self-help books. They give me new ideas on how to become a better version of myself.  I also go walking or jogging during weekends.

Natasha | United States

I’m a passionate individual with a strong work ethic. I take pride in delivering an exceptional experience to Soothe’s clients and providers. I have an extensive background in customer experience and the beauty industry, and I believe in Soothe’s mission to bring wellness to the world.

I’m a busy Mom of 2 teenage girls, and I enjoy traveling and experiencing new cultures, music, and art. My favorite self-care practice includes a girl’s spa day and walking on the beach. 

Karolina | United Kingdom

It’s been the most fulfilling space to connect with a compassionate, international community that is just as excited about the importance of wellness, keeping active and staying healthy. The world can feel a little crazy and chaotic at times, and I love that we’re helping to make self-care an essential part of people’s lifestyles.

Short, guided meditation helps me prepare for the day, and yoga on the beach is invigorating. But nothing beats a massage after a solid gym session or a trek in the mountains. It feels like I earned it!

Hanna | Phillippines

Working at Soothe has been an amazing journey. It’s not just given me the opportunity to grow my career but has given me a chance to meet awesome people. My favorite self-care activity at this moment is going to the gym, and doing activities that balance my physical and mental health.